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Happy 17th Birthday, Lim Wei Ming! (:
-first of all, a sorry to you cause i can't celebrate your birthday cause of some reasons.
woke up early in the morning, 8plus 9 and make a trip to grand's house cause it's the 7th day grandfather pass on. need to pray. & it's also believe he will return tonight, i think. that's what all my family members said.
pray and waited. so, went in the room and play with my little cousin. she's just so adorable. not even 2 years of age, she knew quite alot of stuff. & damn, the bed is super tempting at that very moment. haha.
after grand's house, went to some temple to pray and then to cut our hair together. they said we'll have to do that. though we don't even understand it at all, we just followed.
home at around 2 plus and went to bed. super tired cause of yesterday late night.
i'll study soon. just not in the right mood now. (:
Happy 17th Birthday, Benedict Chua!
-sorry, can't celebrate your birthday with you for some reasons.
to school today. cause it's coach last day. he choose today instead of friday i guess. hmmm, gonna miss him. ): no more trip to school for badminton anymore. ):
omella came too. (: started playing 2 games and went to rest. took photos with the art piece we did but not showcase. ): it was done when we were sec2, when mr tang were still in the school. we spend our hoildays doing it and now it's being throw aside. damn.
then after that, plan coach stuff. they brought him cake. did some acting stuff but he didn't fall for it. so, we brought out the cake. he blew the candles and we spread cream on his face. (:
played and did the clearing up. then kevin went to smash the whole cake on jakeh's head then regina did more to his face. haha. & off kevin went. left us to do the cleaning up! haha.
then after badminton, it's off to 414 for drinks. (: & we girls went talking and talking. someday off to omella's house for hotdogs, bacon and lots of food. badminton seniors girls. (:
home and my tummy hurts. damndamndamn.
gonna be off to grand's house then to charis's house. (:
okay, i'm updating now cause i'm trying to keep myself busy so that i won't fall asleep. i'm gonna accompany grandfather later on. gonna spend the last night with him. ..
pass few days had been busy. grandfather's funeral. it's sad, sad.. hasn't much to say. just felt kind of shock when such a thing happened. It's just so sudden, so sudden.. so much to say to you my beloved ahgong, but it's all too late. i know i should have care more about you but.. ): i didn't.. i'm sorry, sorry..
heard daddy saying how ahgong pass on, just can't help but cry. it's painful & it hurts so much, so much..
been spending the night under grand's block for days. later, still gonna be there till morning. it's the last day tomorrow and.. we won't be able to see our grandfather anymore. ): .. iloveyou, always..
thankyou friends for coming over to pay the final respect. it's much appreciated. & don't worry. i'm gonna be just fine.
love you..
& to someone, ilikeyou.
daddy's call woke me and sis up at around 2 plus am. sis hurry over to wake mummy up. i was still in bed unaware of what's going on. so, i shouted for my sister.
'ahgong is in the hospital!' she said. then did i realise what was going on. ): woke up and prepare. thought we'll need to make a trip to tts hospital but eventually daddy say need not.
soon, daddy called back and told us that ahgong had pass away at around 3. )':
& mum told us to take a rest first. didn't sleep just keep turning around and sitting up. lots of thoughts.. & i wonder why human always realise things too late.. too late..
i'm tired, so tired..
up and awake with serious tummy pain. ohmy, serious! ruin my sleep. damn. & i wonder what cause the run. was it too mush intake of strepsils or was it yesterday dinner? hmmm..
so, i lay at mummy's bed till around 2 and woke up. use lappy a while and another visit to the loo. oh. back to lappy and chit-chatted with charis cause of one uhhum. _is irriating. charis, don't you think so? haha. stop pestering!
& mummy's back with food for me. (: haha.
chit-chatted with yang. & we gonna be off to charis house. ask her mum why. haha! answer: angpao. she wants to give us big angpao. haha.
hasn't been feeling great. it's really time to takecare. haha.
ilovemum. -just so random. (:
19feb. back from another round of ahlong with yang and charis just then. accompany charis for that show, we watched it again. haha. actually was suppose to accompany charis watch that show with leona(both of us watched) but.. long story. haha.
went back school today. cause, soon, coach will be going off and i won't be able to go back to school for matches. sad. ): played and started to feel tired after few play.
thoat is feeling damn uncomfortable. but, the good thing is, my voice isn't affected. but, still, it suck big time! haha. charis, just the opposite of me. thoat doesn't hurt at all but she lose her voice. haha.
after badminton, went np. some wanted to buy soccer stuff but too many people so didn't eventually. went for dinner. can't even finish that bowl of noodle. damn thoat!
went walking about, saw a number of familar faces. (: decided to catch a movie cause it was still early. but, mister adrain went home, his mum won't allow. haha. catched 9.40 show..
homesweethome at around 12.10. (:
18feb, went occ for interview again with leona, pj and charis. but, once again, the manager was out. indeed a busy man. so, left our number and leave. waited or ishaq to end his work. walked out instead of shuttle bus to np. pj thought it was near her house but found out it wasn't and we bused instead near nbss bus stop.
went np for lunch while pj went home. accompany leona to his coursin basketball match at hougang. but, eventually didn't play. so, we just slacked and watched. had dinner at nearby coffeeshop and cabbed home. leona was so kind to feed some stray cat but it beat her. haha.
homesweethome. showered and slept. the only day i turn in pretty early. (:
daddy just don't understand me. at least mum's a little better. why did he change so much? ):
i hate myself! DAMN! )':
caught a movie at 12.20am yesterday night with yang, charmaine and my sis. haha. actually at first was with alex too but.. long story. haha.
was so dumb as to wait for 8oo for sometime before i knew it's not servicing at that hour already. haha. missed 2 804 and decided to cab to gv instead as i was running late. haha.
it felt so nice catching midnight movie on a-little-down mood. (: watched ah long pte ltd. a little lame but yet still, it made us laugh. haha!
it ended at around 2plus and we walked to 2oo plus for supper. (: supper-ed and homesweethome. fall asleep ..
up and awake at 4 plus today. use lappy for a while and decided to study. (: brain a little rusty now. haha. simple question took me some time to figure out. ohmy. haha.
science and english, still my biggest worry. ):
nothings's broken..
back from town with yang and adrian. charis backout. haha.
cabbed to northpoint, fetch them and to taka to get books. haha. adrian spent super long time inside looking for his business book.
after that, we were pretty hungry and started to look for resturant to eat. took a long time to decide too. saw miss yml and she scare the hell out of me. haha. so different when she's out with her sis. haha.
eventually went to have fish& co. cabbed to amkhub. full! haha. walk about a little and headed for home. (:
later going for movie and perhaps a mahjong section tonight. (:
It's better left unsaid.
& they really make my life wonderful.
back from a movie with some primary school mates. haha. watched jumper! it's nice, i would say! (:
waited for other friends with eugene for an hour. cause they were late. oh, so that's how it feels like when people waited for me for a long long time. it suck big time. haha. i'm gonna make sure i won't be late next time. i don't like the feeling neither does other, i believe. (:
went to the popular as we had lots of spare time before the movie. that's because we miss the slot we wanted and it's an hour later for the next one. haha. weijie came. wanted to get my tys and stuff but all sold out, no stock. damnit. haha.
off to the cinema and waited for sara and charis who went outside to get some drinks and stuff. haha. super kiasu. haha.
saw a number of people. first it was zeen, then cheehan& friend, wwc, js,kevin.. haha.
after movie, recieved didi's call. they were at gv too. so, eugene went home via train, sara and weijie went off with friend too and charis and i walked over to gv to look for them.
back to interchange and headed for home. yang went off with js instead.
homesweethome. changed and just had my dinner. (: everyone is out again! ): wahjong..
oh no! sorethroat. hmmm, still deciding if i should accompany adrian to town tomorrow cause it's gonna be crowded and i don't really like it. haha. wondering..
just so random..
read pj's blog and i totally agree with her. haha. can't find her at connection. (: not linked cause she asked not to be link due to some problems. haha.
last year valentine is sooo much better then this year. so much different too. ): school's great. only till now then i realise. kind of late i know. but, i just miss school so..
last year valentines, i did something i was super suprised i did. lol. ntn knows. (: school holds so much memories! i know, i miss _ the most. cause, last time it's _ that makes me love school. i miss you so. but, now, it's all over, i clearly know. (:
stalk, stalk, stalk! lol. i still remember what i did! can't imagine i do so. haha. it's all in the past though.
captainball, all time loved. pe, after school, enrichment, before nightstudy.. sometimes, we even skip our recess for that. haha. still remember playing it every pe and when mr wong change to another sports, we yell! haha. remembered a game with gays. sj fell to the ground from the chair after jemjem jumped like a superman to defence and accidentally hit him, all of us laughed like hell, really. to an extent that we were on our knee and heads on the ground-ys did this. some even flat on the floor. ya, to that extent. haha.
i miss those old days. alittle more of it back will do, alittle, just alittle.. it's impossible, we all knows.. i just miss them, miss them..
felt so stupid all of a sudden. how could i have skip school that time. just for a few more weeks and i did not hold. hais. too late for regrets, just let them remain as wonderful memories.. right ishaq and lily? haha
talked to ishaq till now, 4.55am. so much to say, just so much. haha. chit-chatted on some other stuff too and i'm so looking forward to it! (: shoes, shoes,shoes. right ishaq? (:
dinner at tot with mummy and daddy and back home. wanted to ask some friends over for the night but kill that thought cause all of a sudden, i'm having headaches. damn.
so, gonna spend the night with tv and lappy, like always. tomorrow gonna be study day and maybe back to school for badminton, a date with heather. haha.
i so wanna play mahjong! girls, mahjong again! haha.
okay, nothing much to write. till then.
yesterday's trip to town after a long night is super tiring. can't imagine how we did that. haha.
orchard is super quiet. luckily we make the trip at that timing of the day. haha. after walking about, gotten myself another pair of shoes, headed to sakura for food. haha.
over to adidas to get something for leona's bf. haha. the jacket is ohmy, beautiful. so is the price tag. haha. over to nike shop. i choose, charis paid. haha. of cause not for me, but her mum. gotten her a bag. haha.
went to get movie ticket for p.s i love you at lido. & over to new future at fareast to get a skinny for charis's maid.
walked about and back to shaw house, sat there. charis and leona sleep like the way they did in class. haha. they kind of miss it. haha. so, i stayed awake to look after their ex stuff for at least an hour. haha.
then, to the cinema. damn! the sit really sucks. not even enough space to rest the leg! maybe it's a sneak preview movie. that explain it perhaps. another irritation, a drunkard mad man and a like-to-tie-hair girl infront. last of all, tiredness.
can't seems to keep myself awake in the movie. same goes for charis and leona i suppose. haha. maybe that's the reason why the movie isn't as nice as we thought it will be. haha. but, afterall, it's still sweet. that's the purpose, ain't it? lol. (:
yeemay called, ask if i wanna go for a k section. but rejected it cause i was super tired. i know i'll be sleeping instead of singing. haha. sorry girls.
headed back home. reached yishun, went walking about np. went to the interchange & the number of people made us change our mind.. haha. saw quite a number of people. haha. lincoln, still as skinny. ..& so, we cabbed home instead. (:
homesweethome at around 8. showered, had dinner, watch tv for a moment and went to bed. wanted to finish the 9pm show. but, during the first communcial break, i headed for bed. i'm tired, not fit afterall-inside joke. lol.
today is gonna be a day home. haha. no date. lol.
what a valentine's day. haha. so unlike last year. ): 4ardent still rocks as much. haha.
it doesn't matter anymore.
mahjong mahjong!
brother is taking his shower so, i shall just blog for the time being while waiting. haha.
just came back from lala's house. girls gathering. all went except for pj. haha. went over at around 11 plus 12. started mahjong! lala had her sleep cause she was down with flu. so, jl,ml, leona and i played.
babie is super noisy! haha. but still loveable. (:
ordered mac at around 3 and after mahjong and food, it's poker. played a few rounds and back to mahjong. till around 5 plus, charis came. continued with mahjong till 9 and 5 of us cabbed home. (:
now, gonna get going to prepare to go town to get valentine's day present and some birthday present. (:
Just feeling down.
Just love them so..
it's just another same old day. been home for the whole day. set alarm to wake myself up for my 'plan' but overslept. damn..
supposingly, making a trip to the zoo with the gays but i didn't go. didn't know why either.
so, continued what i did everyday. tv, lappy, sleep.. just lack the motivation to study. sad case. blame myself, blame myself. i'm such an ass. ):
after dinner, finally make use of myself. did some housekeeping. haha. that's the only thing i did which make me feel a little useful. hmmm..
work those lazy bone missy!
lala's house for stayover? hmmm..
stay home the whole day today. slept in. haha.
up and awake, started thinking about my studies. i'm super lazy! i dislike the way i am now, the way i behave too. damnit. how!
no future..
home alone again. nothing to do. all went out again. ):
maybe to see monkeys & baboon tomorrow! haha. know the destination? haha.
just love it..
10FEBUARY-okay, i didn't sleep for the whole night till 8 plus 9. watch some show in youtube to pass time instead of sleeping. haha. fagitued!
wanted to rest for 2hours before getting ready to meet badmintonpeeps to coach house. but, just when i lay on my bed, close my eyes, sort of going to be fast asleep, my hphone rang! charis messaged me. ..
so, i kept turning on my bed and eventually use lappy again. then went walking around the house too. haha.
till it's 11 then i went for my shower. oh, took an hours and a half to be ready to leave home. in other words, i'm late again. hahaha.
cabbed to fetch adrian at his house and off to northpoint. met them-super large group at timezone and soon, went off. took 854 then 147. alighted at the wrong stop and ended up walking hell long route. & my leg hurts like f. haha.
reached and greeted coach& family with hcny. haha. played big2 a few rounds and started blackjack. became dealer with coach and earn pretty much! haha. he gave all those winning to me. ((:
out all went to have buffet while charis, yang, kevin and i played mahjong. won! the highest 'tai' just in the first play. if i'm not wrong, 32'fan'. haha. i'm a noob at mahjong, just knew a little and heard what they says. haha.
just then, was called out to take picture. mahjong ended with only one play. dots. photos will be up soon soon soon. haha. all those taken on cny will also be up soon, till i recieve it. (:
off all of us went. yang hungry like hell so he took food along. haha. eat while he was walking. haha. broad the bus and somethings happened. oh, it's kind of scary watching people quarrelled right infront of you.
alighted and took 854 back to yishun. jokes and riddles on the bus. haha. poor little yuxiang. 'slap, you hit a tree while walking home.' lol
brought sushi and off to yang house with charis, adrian, weijie and kelvin. played a few rounds of mahjong till 7plus and left for weijie house. charis went home.
up with yang and weijie, leaving adrian with irina. haha. giving adrain some chances. he's super dumb. haha.
played mahjong for a few rounds with yang, wj and his mum. kelvin left and soon after, irina left.
went wj room for ps2-yang played only. haha. adrian money is so easy to win. the way he played blackjack just made me laugh. haha. every play bet would be 50cents-he's a beginner, thus. haha. but he lose around 8 to 9 bucks to me in just a few games. haha. super bad luck, even wj and yang agrees. haha. he's also dumb enough to show me-the dealer he burst and i own him with 16points. lol. kind of bully though.
adrain went back at around 10 and the 3 of us played 'bluff'. i won. haha. yang's so dumb to be bluff by me for times! lol. then went to play a game call 'risk'-a total stranger to me and yang. haha. somehow like some fighting and battles game. row the dice and whatsoever. poor yang, really weak at that game. haha. only left with 4 territories. leaving us laughing like hell! haha. wj, victory!
headed for home at 12.20. walked home cause wj house is kind of near to mine. talked with yang all the way till the lift and saw brother with friends. so, went up together. thankyoumrfong. ((:
talked to sis and stuff while waiting for brother to shower. haha. showered and came blogging. (: i should be sleeping instead of using lappy but still, i used. ohoh. somebody's gonna scream. haha. i'm super hungry now too!
studies! how? SOB..
okay, off to bed.
-it sucks so much to be caught in such a situation.
slept at 5plus am up at 4plus pm. haha. (:
horrible 5am yesterday night- don't laugh. haha.
sis came running in the room i'm in, saying she heard voices coming for the room next door when she was on the phone in the livingroom. ran in the room, continue talking to her friend on her hp. discussing what they heard just then. next, her story falls on my ear. it sets my blood running cold. i shut my eyes and wild imagination came hunting my thoughts. black horrible monster came entering my room from the window and door. i hug my soft toy harder, praying it won't attack me. .. then, after much thought, i plucked up courage and opened my eyes. it's just my imagination..
lol. i really did all that. i'm fearful of supernatural thingy. hahaha. thanks to some idiot who scare me that night before when i was home alone. [:
& after that, i fall asleep. haha.
home today. haha. watched tv, use lappy and messaged lots of people regarding tomorrow's visit. just a moment ago, brother came back. guess he'll be out again later. so, home alone again.
what to do? it's so boring. i wanna play mahjong, poker, anything..
i'm bored so i came to update. i had been using the lappy for almost the whole day. everyone was out, sad. luckily mum was back pretty early and i chit-chatted with her. (:
so sad, some things happened. ): nobody to talk to. brother and sister out at friends house to stay. please be okay.
i miss NTN. after looking over those past picture took together with TG too, i miss school hell lots. nothing can be compared to time spent with them. time with them are just so precious. (: still remember some of them stay behind to wait for friends that's having amath and played at the back. haha. remembered the time spend talking back to teachers. somuch, somuch, somuch..
few years back..
All the best for everything you're doing & may this year be fruiful and amazing for you. BestWishes. &&& PLEASE grow up. hahaha. stop making a mess of the house. (: get more 'cuter' okay. haha. presents someday soon. haha. where's mine too!? haha!
home alone with nothing to do thus, decided to blog. (: charis is back from malaysia! like finally. haha.
first of all, Happy Birthday to both cousin yali jiejie and weixiang! (:
YESTERDAY was spent at both grand's house.
was so reluctant to wake up to get ready. haha. i'm super tired. haha. had the whole family waiting for me. haha. but at least for this time, after 45min, i'm ready to leave home. haha.
walk over to grand's house and greeted them all with 'happynewyear'. red packets! (: my little cousin is so adorable! lunch and a few rounds of blackjack. haha. manage to win a little only. haha.
to great grandmother house after that. so sad to see her that way. ): teared.
after that drove over to mum's side. all the greetings and all the recievings. haha. one of my cousin just came back from america. haha. it's her bday today. haha.
took some photos. parents, aunts&uncles & grandparents all took couples shot. so funny. ask to kiss and all that. haha. they felt kind of awkward. haha. don't know why either. photos will be up soon- till i recieve from yali jiejie. (:
after that, the 'gambling' section. i didn't play, just watch. haha.
to plaza sing for movie with cousin at around 5plus. watched the kungfu dunk. lots of people went. the cinema took so long to be opened. drag for 10 to 15 min from the time stated on the ticket. some super fake moves. but funny yet touching. haha.
trained back to yishun after that. homesweethome. showered and went to grand's house- next block. haha. steamboat! haha. blackjack again.
homesweethome and messaged with some kuku for almost the whole day. haha. cause it's kind of bored, really. kuku feels that way too. haha.
TODAY, last to get up again. haha. went mum's 2nd sister house. had buffet, ate quite alot. haha. drank too. oh.. haha.
played blackjack, dealer with sister. mummy&daddy, our bank. hahaha! keep losing like hell. haha. then after that, after the number of people became 3, we started winning. won back our 30 plus with additional 1oplus bucks. haha. lose everything again after another match after cutting of birthday cake. ice-cream cake! fat! haha. (:
went to the room, lay on the bed and fall asleep. haha. up at around 6 plus for dinner and lion dance. woke brother up too- this fellow went for liondance in the morning & was tired like hell so slept. haha.
went downstair, somewhere like parade square and watched liondance. it's sooo dangerous yet it's sooo nice. haha. after that, mum&dad came down with our belonging and it's time to leave for home.
back at yishun, to grand's house with sis&bro. steamboat! haha. didn't had dinner at aunt's house so went grand's house for dinner instead. haha.
homesweethome after a few hours.
out mummy&daddy went for their mahjong section. brother&sister to jiaxiong's house. guess they will be home late. ): home alone again. ):
kuku playing mahjong and charis watching tv. so, off for tv too. (:
enjoy people! [:
firework, firework!!
do i still have a little feeling for you?
It's super bored at home now! everyone is out. ):
should have went for movie with sister rather then stay at home alone. sadden. in about 45min time, it's lunarnewyear. ):
felt so futile. somehow i just felt so. so many things in life i simply can't seems to get it done well. always saying i'll walk extra mile but didn't even finish the original route. wrote all that somehow just to entertain myself. damn, when will i wake up my thoughts. is 30 the number i'm gonna see again months later? i know that's not what i want but it's somehow what i deserved. continue the way things is going now and it's really gonna be the end. wake up, would you!? ain't you scare? damnit. -i seriously need to wake up!
a call. brother is seriously drunk now. something must have hit him hard to make him drink so much. haiyo. gonna go give him a hand.
till then. (:
i know you'll never be mine.
i know.
just dreaming..
just came back not long after a trip to school today. (:
cabbed to school and met the rest inside. all of us headed to the hall just in time but the concert somehow sucks, cannot make it. haha. 'be nice.' that's what jiali says. okay, be nice. talked to regina. & i forgotten her ppg tatoos. ):
people consits of leona, jiali, yuyuan, damien, ernest, houwen, darrell, weiming, darren, kangxian, yongsoon, ishaq, moo, shujian, jackson and alex. haha.
when they were making some chinese ribbon thingy, saw some funny people hanging strings on their ear and worst of all squeeze it in their nose. shall upload the photos someday. haha. leona and i took that guys pic, just can't stop laughing. haha
after that, they were off for their crosscountry at yishunpark. so, we hang around in school. leona and darren went to took bus. miss leona needs to work. haha. then yuyuan, ernest and houwen cabbed home, i think. damien went to help out. the rest of us stays and played basketball.
i sucks at it la. haha. played ABC. jiali manage to finish till 3-point shot and i'm still like at 'D'. damn. haha. took a walk to yishunpark to look for zhenyang soon after hearing they were finishing. that poor guy still needs to attend school. haha. but we're so nice to wait for him. (:
regina gotten a 7th placing, jakeh gotten a 2nd & yang, a 6th placing. congrats. ((: took yang's medal home. haha. VINSON won! (:
took 804 one big round not wanting to be squeezing like mad. haha.
made my bedsheet and 'fought' with my sister. haha. she's so funny. with her around, it's so lively. but with her around, it's damn messy too. haha. but still, i love her. haha.
gonna go grand's house for lunch. i'm super hungry now. haha. super tired too, didn't sleep last night. haha. seriously tired. but i wanna watch tv tonight. so, i guess i won't be sleeping. haha.
back from grand's house. talked to my uncle. he says it's better for me to go back and retain at sec5. haiyo, eveyone is making me confused.
went to the market, got mum's hair spray stuff for her and back home. watched tv. some volleyball show. ..
mum, dad and sis is out to exchange sis's shoes at bugis. & later to mummy's side grand's house. i'm tired so i stayed home. haha. (:
kind of bored. what to do? study? haha.
& i'll follow.
slept pretty late last night. too busy using the lappy. haha.
woke up by adrian's call. this boy didn't went school. haha. called to ask me out. but, so sad, i'm cleaning my house today.
from the kitchen, to the livingroom to the bedroom. oh, my house is really dirty! too dirty till i dare not touch it and left it for daddy to clean. hahaha. just wash the bowls, plate, cups.. then clean the doors, fold clothes, did the sofa and clear useless books and stuff. just so little things i did and i'm tired. haha. so useless. haha.
sister did some cleaning up in the morning too but all kind of wasted. haha. she swept the floor but after we packed, it turns dirty again. haha.
after everything was done, it's already 7 plus. sat and watched tv and messaged.
decided to shower and go look for mummy. haha.
market is sooo crowded! everyone is doing their last min buy. went to look for mummy and helped her brought home some stuff. after that, went to pack kfc for dinner. (: like finally i had food. still have to make my way back home with so many bags of things, somehow like some aunties. haha. adding to the crowd, there's church. & they just ended. ohohoh..
back home and dinner. watched tv. (:
helped sister with her blogskin but i find it kind of ugly. haha. maybe i didn't know how to do it. haha. change it someday. haha.
gays going back to school tomorrow. but it's early in the morning! real early, 7 plus we got to reach. so, i don't think i'm going. & still need to wear jeans. you know, i seriously hate jeans. hahaha! (:
it's lunar new year eve tomorrow. (: enjoy people.
p.s i love you.
woken up by 'beloved' sister and brother. damn. set alarm for sister cause her phone was down. kept waking her up when the alarm went. back to sleep and next, my idiotic brother. left the light on and out he went for work. it's suped irritating! haha.
went back to sleep till around 2, called charis. this girl ar, never reply my message one. after that, talked online. decided a message for her to send to__. haha
okay, i shall get going! out to get some new year stuff and have lunch. subway. (:
okay, i just updated and the whole thing cleared up. damn.
went amk hub and i'm late. go read charis blog, there she is complaining. haha. i cabbed over but still late. haha.
had subway! i just love it. haha. after that, went walking about and brought some stuff. nail polish, bangles and earrings. hmmm, amk hub nothing must to see actually. haha.
train back to yishun and i tap the wrong card yet i got to pass. haha. thanks to some one infront. but still, i got hit. haha.
went to get some sweets and stuff before heading to yang's house. show charis some blogskins and went downstairs for dinner- accompany yang.
saw yiguang, darrell, englee and jackson. they just finished their dinner. accompany charis look for skinnies. then to 417 for yang's dinner with the others.
saw ishaq. a moment later, saw pj. went over and rest my hand on her shoulder and gave her a scare. haha. chit-chatted.
headed home after that and saw ishaq again on the way to the bus stop. haha. catch up a little.
changed charis blogskin, cooked instant noodles and packed my house. tired, haha.
to omella's house tomorrow. (:
woke up only at 3 in the afternoon cause i slept only at 5 plus 6 in the morning. haha.
took our-me & sis own sweet time to shower, prepare and everything before heading over to chongpang to get our haircut.
it's so crowded. luckily for us, we knew the ladyboss. actually wanted to get some new hair style one but eventually never. haha. okay, my fringe looks weird and i don't really like it. damn. haha.
after that, packed dinner and bused home. watched tv and use lappy. nothing much to do so i changed my blogskins. haha.
gonna go pack some stuff. & newyear is in like 4 days time! (:
what to do.
i hate myself for not knowing what i want, i really do. damnit.
woken up by miss ong's call. haha. it keeps me thinking hard. hmmm..
took out my book, planned to study but so much stuff laying around. felt so distracted cause it gave me a hard time seaching for notes and stuff. so, i starded packing instead of studying. haha. oh, so suprise i did. haha.
to occ for interview with omella and charis and out for bbq. (:
met omella and charis. i was super duper late. haha. after that, took shuttle bus to occ. went to find ishaq. didn't went for interview cause a wedding dinner was about to start and the bosses were all busy. next week pehaps.
went to take the shuttle bus back to northpoint. i cabbed home while omella and charis went orchard for charis's new year clothing.
back home and use lappy and slept. up at around 8 and waited for sister to get home before going for cousin's bbq. daddy drove us there with mum, sis, elyssa and me.
reached at around 11 plus. only had one stingray shared with mummy and one hotdog. no more food left. haha. played poker and listen to the guys talk. haha.
after that, gilbert drove us back to yishun. 28 people! i wonder how it's like in the back. haha. luckily, we-sis, elyssa and i sat infront. haha.
went prata shop for late dinner. haha. after that to shop & save to get 'patrick' cause elyssa needed it. lol!
homesweethome. watched some videos in omella's blog. saw 2007 my birthday video, so sweet. haha. i just love ntn so much. haha. ((: back home messaging with kuku and talk to him on msn. know whose that kuku? hahaha. just continue wondering. haha.
somehow, it's so unbelieveable.
but it feels good.
okay, a super duper tiring day, seriously! haha.
cabbed to school with charis cause it's raining. played 9 matches straight, for about 2hours. damn tiring. & it's on an empty stomach. haha.
414 for dinner with charis, yang and adrian! finally some decent food. haha. cause lately, mum hasn't been cooking dinner cause she work till at night because of the new year season which is approaching! haha.
went sara's house after that with charis cause of a last min planned badminton game. eugene was there already. sat around and went downstair for badminton. we played in the rain! okay, it's kind of fun. haha. play for about an hour and went back upstairs cause we were all wet. haha.
change and got ourselves dry and went to play monopoly. hasn't touch this game ever since lincoln's chalet. which is like when i'm in sec2. haha.
i seriously suck at that. haha. i'm the poorest of them all. haha. left with only 7o5 only. but much more better then last time when i'm only left with 25. haha. they keep getting the free parking money- tax money i paid. haha. and we still place 1ooo as the starting amount at free parking. everytime anyone collected it another 1ooo.
played till 10 and we changed to heartattack. played till 11.40, charis and i leave. haha. headed to the bread shop to get some bread and bused home.
homesweethome. i'm tired, dying. haha. but i so wanna watch tv. haha.
saw my auntie just now and told her i'm taking private paper but not going for any school and she says it's not good. hmmm, what should i do? tuition? but tuition only makes me worst off. haha. but, i'm left with that only. ): hmmm..
it's life.
bgirls won yesterday's match. (:
some dispute happened.
simpleton: "is this northbrooks sec?" (staring at yang)
me: ya, why?
simpleton: "please, i don't want you people to scold vulgarities. you people are distracting my players.
us: but we didn't.
simpleton: (giving one ass face) "you want me to ask my player over and say what you people said?"
me: "sure, ask her over to clarify things with us." (simpleton give one ass face again. stared hard at yang.)
our teacher: (running over from another court) "what happen, what happen?" told her and everything back to normal. asked us to keep quiet, only can cheer.
the teacher malign us of scolding their player & just right after we started winning. damn idiotic! we didn't even said and they said we did. then there goes the player crying like an innocent victim. don't even dare to look when people talked to him. ask him ask his player to clarify but he didn't even dare to, didn't even answered. simpleton! didn't even get things clear. damn shit. all he did is walk away and act after everything.
back to school and to 414. soup. (: yang's house. waited for him to shower and change before heading to bishan.
don't wear a slipper when you're out with charis! she step on people without know! haha. & don't stand near her in a crowded train/bus cause she pull people along when she's about to fell. haha. perhaps, grant her a sit. haha!
went home at around 9 and reached at around 10. had one galic toast back home. home and all alone. all went out.
muti-tasked at night till 2 plus 3. haha. did amath and did my planner too. (: bed.
up and awake at 9 plus 10. wanted to blog but fall aslept after a few words. haha.
back to school later for training. haha. & ishaq just message to say i can go for my interview tomorrow. (: tomorrow's so packed. interview, badminton and cousin's birthday bbq.
sick! ):
i wish i know what people is thinking.